YEP is more than simply a tutoring platform. Rather, it is a dynamic knowledge exchange between young Australians in the push for a more equitable Australia.
All tutors attend training sessions throughout the year to ensure a continued strengthening of their understanding of and sensitivity towards a variety of First Nations perspectives. Led by dynamic First Nations voices, these workshops will provide tutors with opportunities to deepen their learning about First Nations values, while continuing to improve their holistic cultural competence. In this way, we ensure tutors are equipped with the skills to communicate effectively with students, provide appropriate academic support and empower students to achieve their potential.
We encourage students to provide feedback about their tutoring experiences to ensure their interests, aspirations and concerns are being catered for so we can tailor the tutors’ training accordingly. Similarly, all tutors provide ongoing feedback about what they feel they need or want to learn more about first hand from First Nations peoples, so the training sessions can be targeted at addressing points of interest and concern.